Veggieful Oven-Fried Rice

2 Jul

Veggieful Vegan Oven-Fried Rice

You want me. You need me.

I love rice, but I don’t have a rice cooker, and making it the old-fashioned way just takes too damn long for this baby of the 80s. I want what I want when I want it, which was 10 seconds ago and why are you so slooooooow?!

Much like this little pony, I want it NOW!

But this dish is lickety split fast. If you have the bouillon and soup mixes on hand, it takes less than 10 minutes to throw together. If you don’t have those at the ready, never fear. Just click the links below for some easy make-it-yourself recipes that will only add about five more minutes to the process. You are welcome.

The other great thing about this meal is that it’s a real refrigerator cleaner. Got some veggies that are getting long in the tooth? Throw ’em in here. An old sock you’ll never find the mate to? Toss it in — broth makes everything delicious!

I found this recipe on, courtesy of TheDancingCook. As it was practically perfect already, I only made one change: add some yummy tofu.

Veggieful Oven-Fried Rice
Serves 6-8

  • 2 cups whole grain brown rice
  • A buttload of chopped vegetables, your pick (mushrooms, carrots, celery, green peppers, onions, frozen peas, frozen corn, broccoli, onions, etc., etc., etc.)
  • 1/2 pound tofu, drained, pressed and cut into cubes
  • 1 packet or preparation of onion soup mix
  • 3 tablespoons vegan chicken bouillon
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 3 cups boiling water
  • 4 tablespoons soy sauce or tamari (for a soy free dish)
Oven-Fry it Up
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Mix all ingredients in a 2-quart casserole dish.
  3. Bake uncovered for one hour.
  4. Scarf it all down in one sittingLet it cool and serve.

Bon appétit!

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